Monday, January 9, 2012

Leaving Ethiopia

I fly out of Ethiopia tonight at 11 p.m., bringing this great trip to an end.

Things I will miss about Ethiopia:
* The many friends I made - ferengi and habesha. 
* That little intake of breath people take at the end of a sentence.
* Fresh squeezed orange juice and banana and avocado smoothies. 
* Greeting people with a handshake and shoulder bump. 
* The lighting of incense whenever they serve you coffee.
* The coffee.
* The daily kindness of strangers.
* Huge fig and sycamore trees.
* The shape of acacia trees on the horizon.
* Ethiopian time (everything moves slower here)

Things I won't miss about Ethiopia:
* "One birr."
* "You. You. You."
* "Ferenji!!"
* Shiro. Please, no more shiro.
* Ethiopian time (everything moves slower here) 

Things I missed about America:
* Charlie
* Hot showers
* Flushing toilets
* Cheese

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